Interesting Tidbits of 2009
30 December 2009
2009 has come and gone and being the day before New Years Eve it seems like an appropriate time to look back at some of the more interesting posts of the year (if my tracking is any indication of interestingness).The most popular by far were the ones regarding personal and online information:
- A post about the extent of sites that personal information can spread to across the Internet.
- Where in the world (literally!) your personal information could reside.
Next up, the most searched for:
Next in line were the reviews of various OpenID providers:
- Chi.mp (my personal favourite),
- Verisign PIP (and a point brought up by the Verisign PIP’s Technical Director)
- Your Internet ID,
- MyOpenID
- And the culmination of them; Reviews of Select OpenID- In Summary
The ‘Downsides to Mobile Life’ series:
Reviews of the Nintendo DSi:
And lastly, some major events of ‘09:
A safe and happy New Years Eve to all and remember; your mobile devices just don’t like champagne like you do so put them away BEFORE you celebrate.
Care about what the web is doing to our minds? Check out my book, The Thought Trap, at book.thenaterhood.com.
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