Some Blog News
28 February 2012
The Philosophy of Nate has lived on a Blogger subdomain ever since I first started it as a non-public blog. Since then it has gone through a number of changes and eventually evolved into the globally syndicated blog that it is now.
At this point in time it seems appropriate that The Philosophy of Nate should move to its own web address and fully become its own online entity. I actually made the switch from a Blogger domain a few weeks ago, for anyone who noticed, but now it’s time to make the official announcement! For the time being, the old address, natesphilosophy.blogspot.com, will still get you here without any trouble. However, the shiny new address is blog.thenaterhood.com so be sure to update your bookmarks.
This also means a change in the email address that all you email subscribers receive mail from, which is currently my private mailbox. Starting next week you’ll see mail from our shiny new email address, blog [at] thenaterhood.com. Make sure to update your email settings so that email from The Philosophy of Nate doesn’t get marked as spam. There will be no changes to the email subscription service other than the address.
As always, happy reading! New to The Philosophy of Nate? Welcome! You might want to go grab our feed or subscribe by email over in the sidebar so you don’t miss anything good.
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